Well, you’ve heard the news. The iPhone 2 supports the ActiveSync Protocol, with a TON of new features.
It’s safe to say that we’re excited about the iPhone2. The question has come up: How will Zimbra Support it? Well, before we go any further, let me say first that we will have more detailed information on this in the future, so this isn’t all the info you will get
The iPhone 2, through Zimbra Mobile, will be supported in BETA form in 5.0.7 in the Zimbra Network Edition. As with all BETA products, we do not encourage running them in a production enviroment. We can’t speak to full features yet because of a multitude of reasons, but the primary reason is: we need to continue testing.
Our current target is to support the iPhone 2 100% as a fully supported GA (Generally Available) product in 5.0.8, just as we do with our other Zimbra Mobile-capable telephones. To track the progress, go to pm.zimbra.com.
Zimbra Mobile will become the optimal way to sync your new iPhone, opposed to : Zimbra -> ZCO(Windows)/iSync(Mac) ->iTunes -> iPhone. Both methods will be supported, however.
So what about our Open Source users? Well, we have a new UI coming for our Mobile HTML client (dubb’ed iZimbra), and we will continue to support that. Also, users can get their mail via POP3/IMAP on the iPhone 2.
When the iPhone 2 comes out, you can go to www.testzimbra .com and sign up for a FREE test account right on your iPhone! When you sign up, testzimbra.com will guide you through setting up your iPhone to work with ZimbraMobile. Accounts are free for 2 weeks, so you can test out ZimbraMobile on the iPhone 2.
So, like I said, this isn’t the last word on our iPhone 2 support. Future statements and info will be posted on our blog: Zimbra :: Blog
If you want the latest, subscribe to our blog’s RSS feed.
-The Zimbra Team
5.0.8 will be a quick build, iPhone2 support will be in 5.0.9