The first OpenDay 2015 – key statistics

Chào các anh, các chị và các bạn, OpenDay, sự kiện đầu tiên được VFOSSA tổ chức riêng cho các dự án, nhóm cộng đồng nguồn mở, đã diễn ra được hơn một tuần với rất nhiều cung bậc cảm xúc từ nhiều phía. Trước hết, thay mặt BTC, xin gửi lời chân thành cảm ơnContinue reading “The first OpenDay 2015 – key statistics”

The first APAC Ambassadors FAD for annual budget planning

We have finished the first ever FAD for APAC Ambassadors for annual budget planning in Phnom Penh at the last weekend. As other participants like Sirko or Siddesh wrote some nice summary reports (day 0, 1 and 2), I would not like to repeat those more. Instead of those, I would like to tell youContinue reading “The first APAC Ambassadors FAD for annual budget planning”

Fedora Join workshop at Nha Trang IT Day 2014

Sunday, October 26th, 2014, at Nha Trang university, Nha Trang, Vietnam, the Nha Trang IT Day 2014 was taken place. During that day, the Fedora Join workshop was held to introduce about Fedora Project to professors, teachers and students who work and study at NTU and nearby universities and to help them to join into.Continue reading “Fedora Join workshop at Nha Trang IT Day 2014”

FOSSASIA 2014 – the last day

Sunday, March 2nd, 2014: Every incredible time would end, anyway. This was that last day of FOSSASIA 2014 and all activities were moved from Norton University to Open Institute. Fedora had registered a workshop to instruct people how to join into Fedora Project and have some very first contributions. There were about ten attendees toContinue reading “FOSSASIA 2014 – the last day”