Red Hat Delivers Grant To Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science

Red Hat Summit – Chicago – Sept. 1, 2009 – Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE: RHT), the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, today announced that it has gifted a grant to Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science (SCS) to create a state-of-the-art, open source computer laboratory. The laboratory, which will be officially dedicated laterContinue reading “Red Hat Delivers Grant To Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science”

Save time on downloads with delta RPMs in Fedora 11

Fedora 11 introduced a great new feature: delta RPM updates. This feature creates delta RPM packages (.drpm) that are binary “patches” to the existing RPM packages. Instead of downloading all files, regardless of whether they have changed or not, a delta RPM will only download the files that have changed compared to the previous RPMContinue reading “Save time on downloads with delta RPMs in Fedora 11”

Fedora 12 Alpha Announcement

Fedora 12 “Constantine” Alpha release is available! What’s next for the free operating system that shows off the best new technology of tomorrow? You can see the future now at: What’s an Alpha release? The Alpha release contains all the features of Fedora 12 in a form that anyone can help test. This testing,Continue reading “Fedora 12 Alpha Announcement”

Fedora 11 installation process

This process is used for all iWay desktops and laptops: Install Fedora 11 from LiveCD Disable SELinux setenforce 0 Change file: /etc/selinux/config Setup local repository: /etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo (includes: local, virror and atrpms): # Base packages on Virror [base-local] name=Fedora $releasever – $basearch – Base local baseurl=$releasever/Everything/$basearch/os/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 # Update packages inside iWay LAN [updates-local] name=FedoraContinue reading “Fedora 11 installation process”

Recovering your Linux server with a Knoppix rescue disk

Among the many positive aspects of working with Linux, one is the excellent recovery methods. If your server doesn’t boot properly, you can still access everything on it using a recovery disk. Here you will learn how to do this using Knoppix. This article doesn’t focus on a particular version of Knoppix, and will workContinue reading “Recovering your Linux server with a Knoppix rescue disk”

Ubuntu 9.04 vs. Fedora 11 Performance

Fedora 11 was released earlier this week so we have set out to see how its desktop performance compares to that of Ubuntu 9.04, which was released back in April. Using the Phoronix Test Suite we compared these two leading Linux distributions in tasks like code compilation, Apache web server performance, audio/video encoding, multi-processing, ray-tracing,Continue reading “Ubuntu 9.04 vs. Fedora 11 Performance”