The long awaited new version of Zimbra Notifier 2.0 was released.
New features:
- 8 languages supported
- Show appointment reminders of all defined calendars
- Supports Daylight Savings Time in calendars
- Use reminder time set in the appointment, which can be defined in Zimbra 5.0
- Show an appointment reminder in his own icon
- Can delete an appointment from their reminder icon
- Can open zimbra without having to enter login info, just by double clicking in the tray icon
- Can configure keyboard mail button to open zimbra directly
- Handles mailto: links Plus the unique features it always had:
- Notifies of new e-mail and calendar appointments
- Changes the windows tray icon when new elements arrive
- Configurable alert mechanism (modal window, sound, alert balloon in Taskbar Notification Area)
- Allows omission of the spam folder elements.
- Uses polling interval from Zimbra Preferences
- Check for new email every…
- It weights just 160 Kb in size and DOES NOT need .NET Framework to run
- Handles Proxy Authentication Requests
- Supports invalid SSL certificates
Run it and enter Zimbra mail server address, your Zimbra username, your Zimbra password, notification preferences and press OK. It will minimize to tray notification area, and poll regularly for new items.
More information: