Configure Postfix for authenticated Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Postfix can be configured to relay mail for users at remote locations with a valid username and password combination. Following this guide will allow Authenticated SMTP and passwords to be sent in plain text. A secure transport layer should be implemented to ensure that usernames and passwords can not be eavesdropped while in transit. AuthenticatedContinue reading “Configure Postfix for authenticated Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)” Community Announces Third Major Release of Its Free, Easy-to-Use Office Software

Finally, after 3 years of continuous improvement, OpenOffice 3.0 has been released. 3.0 is more powerful than ever before and with support for MS Access 2007 .accdb files, improved support for VBA macros, and a new ability to read MS Office Open XML files, it’s even easier to make the change away from legacyContinue reading “ Community Announces Third Major Release of Its Free, Easy-to-Use Office Software”

Getting CD/DVD RW+ working with non-root users on Fedora Core 9

By default, Fedora Core 9 allow just “root” to use CD/DVD writer. It prevents access to CD/DVD RW+ device to non-root users. You can follow these steps to set write permission for a specific non-root user to write to CD/DVD RW+: Add the user into the “disk” group: groupmems -a tuanta -g disk Set groupContinue reading “Getting CD/DVD RW+ working with non-root users on Fedora Core 9”

ZCS 5.0.10 Released!

We are pleased to announce: The Zimbra Collaboration Suite version 5.0.10 Generally, ZCS 5.0.10 contains many important enhancements and bug fixes, including: DNS MX validation check is now available from the administration console ZCS can now bet set to add an X-Authenticated_user header to outgoing messages When an account is created from the administration console,Continue reading “ZCS 5.0.10 Released!”

The best practice for backup Zimbra and other data

When following this procedure to backup Zimbra mail and data, someone asked me what is the best practice in doing that. So I found this article for all of you to get reference. The Most Important Post Ever This may be the most important post you will ever read. If you’re a Zimbra Administrator,Continue reading “The best practice for backup Zimbra and other data”

10 dấu hiệu nàng muốn hẹn hò

Khi muốn phát tín hiệu tình cảm với người khác giới, phái đẹp cũng phải mất nhiều thời gian để suy nghĩ về các thủ thuật “bật đèn xanh”. Vì thế, ngoài việc mài dũa kỹ năng tán tỉnh, các anh chàng cũng nên nâng cao khả năng quan sát và phân tích hành viContinue reading “10 dấu hiệu nàng muốn hẹn hò”