By default, Fedora Core 9 allow just “root” to use CD/DVD writer. It prevents access to CD/DVD RW+ device to non-root users.
You can follow these steps to set write permission for a specific non-root user to write to CD/DVD RW+:
- Add the user into the “disk” group:
groupmems -a tuanta -g disk
- Set group write permission to /dev/sg* (owned by “disk”) at startup:
Modify the file:
,At line:
KERNEL=="sg[0-9]*", ATTRS{type}!="3|6", GROUP="disk", MODE="0640"
Modify to:
KERNEL=="sg[0-9]*", ATTRS{type}!="3|6", GROUP="disk", MODE="0660"
Note: just modifying the MODE from 640 (group read only) to 660 (group read+write)
And finally, reboot the system.