What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing can be loosely defined as using scalable computing resources provided as a service from outside your environment on a pay-per-use basis. You use only what you need, and pay for only what you use. You can access any of the resources that live in the “cloud” at any time, and from anywhere across the Internet. You don’t have to care about how things are being maintained behind the scenes in the cloud.

Cloud computing derives from the common depiction in technology architecture diagrams of the Internet, or IP availability, illustrated as a cloud. Cloud computing gained attention in 2007 as it became a popular solution to the problem of horizontal scalability.

The cloud is responsible for being highly available and responsive to the needs of your application. Cloud computing has also been called utility computing, or grid computing. Cloud computing is a paradigm shift in how we architect and deliver scalable applications. In the past, successful companies spent precious time and resources building an infrastructure that in turn provided them a competitive advantage. It was frequently a case of “You build it first and they will come.” In most cases, this approach:

  • Left large tracts of unused computing capacity that took up space in big data centers.
  • Required someone to babysit the servers.
  • Had associated energy costs.

The unused computing power wasted away, with no way to push it out to other companies or users who might be willing to pay for additional compute cycles.With cloud computing, excess computing capacity can be put to use and be profitably sold to consumers. This transformation of computing and IT infrastructure into a utility, which is available to all, somewhat levels the playing field. It forces competition based on ideas rather than computing resources.

Resources that your applications and IT systems constantly need (to meet growing demands for storage, computing resources, messaging systems, and databases) are essentially commoditized. You can rent this infrastructure from the vendor that provides you with the best price and service. Simple, isn’t it? It’s a simple but revolutionary idea that is not entirely new.

How To Set Up A Local Yum Repository On Fedora 9

This tutorial shows how to create a Fedora 9 yum repository for your local network. Having a local Fedora mirror is good if you have to install multiple systems in your local network because then all needed packages can be downloaded over the fast LAN connection, thus saving your internet bandwidth.

I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!

1. Preliminary Note

In this tutorial I use the hostname server1.example.com with the IP address and port 9090. These settings might differ for you, so you have to replace them where appropriate.

I want to make the yum repository accessible through http; Apache’s default document root on Fedora is /var/www/html, so I’ll create the repository in /var/www/html/yum. If you’re using a different vhost, you might have to adjust the paths.

2. Installing Apache

Let’s install Apache:

yum install httpd

Afterwards, we create the system startup links for Apache (so that Apache starts automatically when the system boots):

chkconfig --levels 235 httpd on

Then we start Apache:

/etc/init.d/httpd start

3. Building The Repository

First we install the tool createrepo:

yum install createrepo

I want to place the Fedora 9 rpm packages for i386 in /var/www/html/yum/base/9/i386 and the update packages in /var/www/html/yum/updates/9/i386, so I create these directories now (adjust the paths if you want to create a repository for Fedora 8/7/… and/or x86_64):

mkdir -p /var/www/html/yum/base/9/i386
mkdir -p /var/www/html/yum/updates/9/i386

Now let’s fill the /var/www/html/yum/base/9/i386 directory. The easiest way is to insert your Fedora 9 DVD (which you can download from here: http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlists/publiclist/Fedora/9), mount it, and copy the rpm packages to /var/www/html/yum/base/9/i386:

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
cd /mnt/Packages
cp -v * /var/www/html/yum/base/9/i386
cd /
umount /mnt

The DVD contains just a basic set of packages. If you’d like to have all available Fedora 9 packages in the /var/www/html/yum/base/9/i386 directory, you can download the packages (using rsync) from the Everything folder on a Fedora 9 mirror. Go to http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlists/publiclist/Fedora/9, find a mirror that offers rsync, and download the packages as follows (this can take a long time so be patient):

rsync -avrt rsync://ftp-stud.hs-esslingen.de/fedora/linux/releases/9/Everything/i386/os/Packages/ /var/www/html/yum/base/9/i386

(Please make sure you use all slashes as shown above – it must be rsync://ftp-stud.hs-esslingen.de/fedora/linux/releases/9/Everything/i386/os/Packages/, not rsync://ftp-stud.hs-esslingen.de/fedora/linux/releases/9/Everything/i386/os/Packages!)

Afterwards, run the createrepo command:

createrepo /var/www/html/yum/base/9/i386

This will create a repodata directory in the /var/www/html/yum/base/9/i386 directory. Its contents should be as follows:

ls -l /var/www/html/yum/base/9/i386/repodata/

[root@server1 /]# ls -l /var/www/html/yum/base/9/i386/repodata/
total 9268
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2227275 2007-12-18 21:11 filelists.xml.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6487453 2007-12-18 21:11 other.xml.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 747714 2007-12-18 21:11 primary.xml.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 951 2007-12-18 21:11 repomd.xml
[root@server1 /]#

Now let’s fill the updates directory /var/www/html/yum/updates/9/i386. Go to http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlists/publiclist/Fedora/9 again, find a mirror that offers rsync, and download the packages as follows:

rsync -avrt rsync://mirror.internode.on.net/fedora-enchilada/linux/updates/9/i386/ --exclude=debug/ /var/www/html/yum/updates/9/i386

Again, make sure that you use the slashes (/) as shown above!

To make our local mirror download the latest updates automatically from now on, we can create a cron job. For example, to download the latest updates every second day at 04:23h, we create the following cron job:

crontab -e
23 4 */2 * * /usr/bin/rsync -avrt rsync://mirror.internode.on.net/fedora-enchilada/linux/updates/9/i386/ --exclude=debug/ /var/www/html/yum/updates/9/i386

Our local yum mirror is now ready to be used.

4. Client Configuration

To make our Fedora 9 systems use the new local yum repository, we modify /etc/yum.conf on each Fedora 9 system (you can even do this on the mirror itself if it is a Fedora 9 system). Create new file /etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo with these lines:

name=Fedora $releasever - $basearch

name=Fedora $releasever - $basearch - Updates Newkey

And finally, disable the existing fedora-updates-newkey by this command:

mv /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates-newkey.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates-newkey.repo.bak

Now whenever you use yum and your local repository can serve the requested packages, the packages are downloaded and installed from the local yum repository.

5. Links

Zimbra Desktop – giải pháp Yahoo Mail, Gmail hoạt động offline

Kết quả của cuộc sáp nhập 350 triệu USD giữa Yahoo và Zimbra là phần mềm e-mail cho phép người dùng đọc nội dung trong hòm thư Yahoo Mail, AOL, Gmail… cả khi máy tính bị ngắt kết nối Internet.

Khi máy tính chưa nối mạng, người sử dụng Yahoo Zimbra Desktop vẫn có thể kéo thả thông điệp vào các thư mục (folder), tạo chữ ký… hay soạn e-mail để lưu vào Outbox và nó sẽ được tự động gửi đi khi hệ thống online trở lại.

“Chúng tôi muốn xóa bỏ khoảng cách giữa ứng dụng web sử dụng tổ hợp công nghệ AJAX và ứng dụng desktop truyền thống”, kỹ sư Mike Morse của Zimbra viết trên blog.

Phần mềm tạo cảm giác như mọi người đang dùng Microsoft Outlook hay Mozilla Thunderbird. Zimbra Mail, Yahoo Mail, Gmail, AOL, Outlook và bất cứ hòm thư cá nhân nào hỗ trợ POP hoặc IMAP đều có thể được cài đặt vào Yahoo Zimbra Desktop để đọc e-mail offline.

Tuy nhiên, Zimbra Desktop tương đối nặng, như dành cho Windows là 48 MB, Mac OS X là 42 MB còn Linux là 52 MB. Tải Yahoo Zimbra Desktop miễn phí tại đây.

Đi nghỉ ít nhất 3 ngày mới thỏa mãn

Lần tới khi bạn lên kế hoạch đi nghỉ mát, hãy đảm bảo chuyến đi kéo dài hơn 3 ngày, nếu không bạn sẽ khó có đủ thời gian để kịp hưởng thụ và và thư giãn.

Các chuyên gia đã chỉ ra chính xác thời điểm chúng ta bắt đầu cảm thấy được thư giãn – đó là 9 giờ 25 phút của ngày thứ 3.

Những căng thẳng từ việc đặt chỗ, chuẩn bị và đi lại khiến ngày đầu tiên trở nên mệt mỏi, ngày thứ 2 là để hồi phục dần, sắp xếp đồ đạc và ổn định chỗ ở. Đến ngày thứ 3 mới là lúc để thư giãn.

Cuộc nghiên cứu trên 3.000 nhà tổ chức du lịch cho thấy chúng ta mất nhiều thời gian để lên kế hoạch và nghiên cứu chuyến đi hơn là để thưởng thức nó.

Một người trung bình mất 18 ngày để chọn lựa điểm đến. Sau đó họ mất thêm 9 tiếng để chọn khách sạn, 8 giờ mua sắm, giặt là và đóng gói đồ đạc, và 2 giờ để vệ sinh cơ thể.

Dave McKenna, Giám đốc marketing của hãng Keycamp, Anh, nói: “Kết quả cho thấy mọi người cần phải học cách để thư giãn. Họ thường mất quá nhiều thời gian vào việc nghiên cứu và lên kế hoạch cho chuyến đi, mà dường như quên mất là mình đang cần được nghỉ ngơi. Chúng ta cần phải tận hưởng thời gian quý giá mỗi khi được đi nghỉ”.

Không may là 16% cho biết khi đến được nơi mình muốn, họ không cảm thấy thỏa đáng với những gì mình bỏ ra. Hơn 15% không có đủ thời gian để thực hiện các hoạt động mà họ đã cất công lên kế hoạch. Tồi hơn nữa là 25% không thực sự thấy thoải mái khi nghĩ đến lúc phải về nhà và đối mặt với những vấn đề tồn đọng.

M.T. (theo Daily Mail)

Whack and SparkWeb have graduated. Help me congratulate them!

Whack 1.0 has been released. Whack is our Open Source XMPP (Jabber) component library for XMPP components. External components are processes that run outside of the Openfire’s process but can connect to the server to register new XMPP service. Whack is an implementation of XEP-0114: Jabber Component Protocol.

Unlike the other igniterealtime products, Whack followed a different evolution path. We started coding Whack around November 2004 and after a few months it was operational. Openfire and Whack share the same component’s API so around 2005 we were able to run Fastpath as an internal component (i.e. running in the Openfire’s process) or just move it as an external component using Whack. It was impressive seeing the same code running as internal and external. Since then Whack continued to evolve but always at a very slow pace. Whack was always stable in each step but it was just not ready for prime time. We wanted to keep adding more things to it to reach a 1.0 release. Since our collaboration software Clearspace uses Whack to integrate with Openfire we needed to push the boundaries of Whack once again and I’m happy to say that we now reached the 1.0 release. And that is why we decided to make a public release in 2008 after 4 years of continuous but slow growth.

A few months ago we also released a new product called SparkWeb. SparkWeb is our Open Source web-based IM client. SparkWeb is based on XIFF just like Spark is based on Smack. Today we updated the products page to list SparkWeb as an official product. Welcome SparkWeb! The family has grown a little bit now.

You can get Whack from here. Questions could be posted to the Whack forum.

SparkWeb can be downloaded from here. If you want to build from the source code you can read the Getting and Building SparkWeb document.

Moving Zimbra system Open Source edition to a new server

You can move Zimbra system Open Source edition to a new server using rsync command following these steps: Note: If and only if the Operating System is going to be same on both old and new server.

  • Stop your existing ZCS using “zmcontrol stop”.
  • Check if no zimbra process is running if so kill that process.
  • Do a cold and offline backup of /opt/zimbra directory using rsync command:

# rsync -avrlHKpogDt /opt/zimbra /opt/zimbra.bak

  • Copy the zimbra.bak file to the new server.
  • On new server, install the same version of ZCS and Keep the “hostname” and “zmhostname” same as old server.
  • Stop ZCS on new server using “zmcontrol stop”.
  • Remove the complete zimbra directory:

# rm -rf /opt/zimbra

  • Restore from cold backup using rsync command:

# rsync -avrlHKpogDt /opt/zimbra.bak /opt/zimbra

iPhone 2 & Zimbra

Well, you’ve heard the news. The iPhone 2 supports the ActiveSync Protocol, with a TON of new features.

It’s safe to say that we’re excited about the iPhone2. The question has come up: How will Zimbra Support it? Well, before we go any further, let me say first that we will have more detailed information on this in the future, so this isn’t all the info you will get

The iPhone 2, through Zimbra Mobile, will be supported in BETA form in 5.0.7 in the Zimbra Network Edition. As with all BETA products, we do not encourage running them in a production enviroment. We can’t speak to full features yet because of a multitude of reasons, but the primary reason is: we need to continue testing.

Our current target is to support the iPhone 2 100% as a fully supported GA (Generally Available) product in 5.0.8, just as we do with our other Zimbra Mobile-capable telephones. To track the progress, go to pm.zimbra.com.

Zimbra Mobile will become the optimal way to sync your new iPhone, opposed to : Zimbra -> ZCO(Windows)/iSync(Mac) ->iTunes -> iPhone. Both methods will be supported, however.

So what about our Open Source users? Well, we have a new UI coming for our Mobile HTML client (dubb’ed iZimbra), and we will continue to support that. Also, users can get their mail via POP3/IMAP on the iPhone 2.

When the iPhone 2 comes out, you can go to www.testzimbra .com and sign up for a FREE test account right on your iPhone! When you sign up, testzimbra.com will guide you through setting up your iPhone to work with ZimbraMobile. Accounts are free for 2 weeks, so you can test out ZimbraMobile on the iPhone 2.

So, like I said, this isn’t the last word on our iPhone 2 support. Future statements and info will be posted on our blog: Zimbra :: Blog

If you want the latest, subscribe to our blog’s RSS feed.

-The Zimbra Team

5.0.8 will be a quick build, iPhone2 support will be in 5.0.9

SaaS bright spot in waning economy

In fall 2006, The Warranty Group Inc. CIO Tony Jackovich had a big problem. The Chicago-based company was being sold by its corporate parent to a private equity firm — and in the process losing much of its IT infrastructure. Jackovich needed to replace the back end of the company’s ERP system within four months.The Warranty Group — which provides extended service contracts on everything from electronics to homes — looked at investing in Oracle Corp.’s traditional PeopleSoft product but ultimately decided to go with the vendor’s on-demand version instead.

“It didn’t seem realistic to try to do that ourselves,” Jackovich said. “We didn’t have all the talent in-house. We didn’t feel there was time for a long vendor selection process.”

More and more midmarket companies are turning to such on-demand, or Software as a Service (SaaS) products, particularly in light of a weakening economy and pressure from all sides to respond to business needs faster and cheaper.

A survey last year by Forrester Research Inc. found that 16% of large enterprises and 15% of small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are using SaaS. That’s a 33% increase in the large-enterprise sector from the previous year and a 50% increase in the SMB segment.

And CIOs, especially in the midmarket, say they’re happy. In May, for example, a survey by consulting firm Saugatuck Technology Inc. found that 95% of IT execs at midmarket companies were satisfied with SaaS programs, higher than the overall satisfaction rate of 84%.

The SaaS model continues to win adopters because of its speed and ease of deployment. The most popular applications continue to be human resources, collaboration and customer relationship management, but more companies are also looking at the model for enterprise systems as well.

“Now that SaaS has matured and offers more options, many sourcing teams are reconsidering whether SaaS will work for their firms,” noted Liz Herbert, an analyst at Cambridge, Mass.-based Forrester.

Yet, there are concerns. The Forrester survey found that integration was the most common reason tech execs shied away from SaaS. Herbert said the problem is many SaaS products evolved as standalone offerings that their creators sold to business users and, therefore, did not focus on building strong integration tools, creating thorough documentation or writing prebuilt connectors.

Security is another worry. Some CIOs fret that SaaS vendors lack adequate hosting or backup facilities. Not all products are backed up in real time, Herbert said, meaning that data entered since the last backup could be lost for as much as 24 hours. Because of that, some CIOs insist on replicated storage at their own sites.

And the growth of SaaS means the marketplace is far from stable.

“Startup SaaS-oriented firms remain volatile, and market consolidation continues,” Herbert noted. “SaaS ecosystem is not fully mature and will likely witness the entrance of several large players during the coming years.”

But many midmarket CIOs are finding that if done right, SaaS is the way to go.

“There are areas where it’s a no-brainer,” says Bill McArthur, vice president of information services and technology at Scientific Games Corp. in New York. “On the enterprise side, for one. Why buy if you can rent? It reduces your TCO and your footprint.”

Scientific Games, which runs lottery and gaming systems for customers in more than 60 countries, needed a new payroll system a couple of years ago. The company looked at buying its own system but ultimately decided to go with an on-demand model from Automatic Data Processing Inc. in Roseland, N.J. The company has since gone with two other SaaS projects, including Concur Technologies Inc.’s expense system and Jungle Disk Inc.’s backup system.

“The downside is the perception of your engineers that they like full control of the apps, and total control of your data center,” McArthur said. “You have to give up some of that. But administratively, having the apps outside and not on your server farm is a breath of fresh air.”

The Warranty Group has had similar success with SaaS. Since fall 2006 the company — now a unit of Toronto-based Onex Corp. — has gone live with three SaaS projects and is deploying another one this summer. These include payroll, collaboration and a tax solutions.

The latest SaaS project is a sales performance management tool from Callidus Software Inc., which is replacing a homegrown system.

“The development time spent maintaining that solution was greater than the cost to go with outsourcing to a provider with greater flexibility and less IT dependency for a niche app,” Jackovich said. “The economy of scale and leverage wasn’t really there. It made more sense to take that out of house, where the capability for the dollar was much greater.”

Jackovich has evolved a methodology for considering what software model works best for any given project.

“We do a cost analysis on how much it would be to support,” he said.

“We look for solutions we can leverage. Is that app something we can support in-house, or do we need to add head count? How critical is it? Then we try to find the right provider. We don’t go looking for ASP software; we look for providers who can support it in both models.”

Michael Ybarra, Contributor

Michael Ybarra is a monthly columnist for SearchCIO-Midmarket.com and a former senior writer at CIO Decisions magazine. He is also the author of Washington Gone Crazy. Write to him at editor@searchcio-midmarket.com.