The Zimbra Drag and Drop Firefox extension allows users of Zimbra Collaboration Suite 5.0+ to drag files directly from their PC to the Compose and Briefcase window. It now supports Windows, Mac and also Linux. must be installed on the ZCS server. This can be found in /opt/zimbra/zimlets-extra. Use zmzimletctl deploy to deployContinue reading “Zimlet::Drag and Drop Firefox”
Category Archives: Zimbra
Configure vTigerCRM to authenticate users using OpenLDAP (running inside Zimbra server)
vTiger itself supports to authenticate with LDAP users in the core. However, the authLDAP module need to be added to get this works. Please do following steps: Download authLDAP at: Extract and copy the folder authLdap to modules/Users/ Enable LDAP authentication in by adding this code (below the DB settings): //AUTHCFG $AUTHCFG[‘authType’] =Continue reading “Configure vTigerCRM to authenticate users using OpenLDAP (running inside Zimbra server)”
Zimbra Collaboration Suite version 5.0.6 is now available for download
Greetings everyone, Zimbra Collaboration Suite version 5.0.6 is now available for download. We recommend all users upgrade at this time. Customers and Partners may download it at the Zimbra web site. ZCS 5.0.6 contains many important enhancements and bug fixes, including: In the Zimbra Web Client users can insert hyperlinks when composing HTML email andContinue reading “Zimbra Collaboration Suite version 5.0.6 is now available for download”
Enable Instant Messaging feature on Zimbra
By default, IM feature is not enabled on Zimbra systems after upgrading. You can use these commands to enable it: su – zimbra zmprov -l -v mcf zimbraXMPPEnabled TRUE zmprov -v mc default zimbraFeatureIMEnabled TRUE zmprov -v mc default zimbraFeatureInstantNotify TRUE zmcontrol stop zmcontrol start Obviously set the COS to the one you use ifContinue reading “Enable Instant Messaging feature on Zimbra”
Zimbra Expands Mobile E-mail Availability to All Java-enabled Devices
New ZimbraME J2ME client and source code access extends Zimbra experience to millions of handsets, from Nokia to RIM, regardless of wireless device SUNNYVALE, Calif., Apr 03, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) – Zimbra, a Yahoo! (Nasdaq:YHOO) company and the leader in open source, next-generation messaging and collaboration software, today announced the availability of its ZimbraME (JavaContinue reading “Zimbra Expands Mobile E-mail Availability to All Java-enabled Devices”
Zimbra Starter Edition
The Zimbra Team is releasing a new licensing package targeted towards users who want some of the features of the Network Edition, but fewer users (limit of 15). The package is US $399.00 and includes backup/restore and Connectors (iSync/Outlook). ZCS Network Starter Edition is an annual subscription for software and updates only; it doesn’t includeContinue reading “Zimbra Starter Edition”
Using smtp_generic_maps to rewrite domain/address for outgoing mails in Postfix/Zimbra
Greetings to everyone. Sometimes, you think it’s so easy to use generic table in Postfix like this to rewrite mail address/domain for outgoing mails. It must be really easy, of course, with only Postfix. However, if you do that with the Postfix running inside a Zimbra server, you should do more work if youContinue reading “Using smtp_generic_maps to rewrite domain/address for outgoing mails in Postfix/Zimbra”
New Features for Zimbra Collaboration Suite 5.0
Sunnyvale, Calif. – February 5, 2008 – Zimbra, a Yahoo! (Nasdaq: YHOO) company, and the leader in open source, next-generation e-mail, today announced the availability of Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS) 5.0. ZCS 5.0 includes hundreds of enhancements that expand Zimbra’s access across desktops and devices while setting the standard for Web-based productivity in a businessContinue reading “New Features for Zimbra Collaboration Suite 5.0”